geocaching.com (3)

Authentication by geocaching.com didn´t work

Please check your iOS internet settings. In the iOS settings go to ‘Safari’. The option ‘Do Not Track’ should be disabled and ‘Block Cookies’ should be ‘Allow from Websites I Visit’ or ‘Always Allow’.

It can take a while until the authentification site of geocaching.com is loaded depending on thier server load. So be patience on the brown waiting page.

Wrong log date

Logs on the website of geocaching.com will be displayed in the time zone of Seattle (PST). When you create a log from another time zone the date displayed on the GC website can be on another day.

An example: This is the case when you create a log from Germany (GMT+1) before 08:00 AM.

If L4C would correct the log times automaticly by your timezone, then the log would be displayed proper on the GC website. But the data in the database would be wrong. This data is provided to other apps and programs by the Live API and by gpx files. How the target program displays the dates depends on how this program works with time zones.

Because it is probable that the GC website will be extended to display the dates in other time zones, I think it´s correct to submit the real time to GC out of L4C.

You have the possiblity to adjust the log time by yourself. So you have the chance to modify the time if you want it (like if you log a cache before 8 AM in Germany). You can decide if you want the log in the proper date on the GC website or if you wan´t them correct in thier database (and so also in the most other programs and apps).

Premium user status not recognized

If you newly purchased a premium access on geocaching.com, Looking4Cache will not recognize it automatically.

Go to ‘Manages users’ in the configuration and open your user. Tap on ‘Refresh’ in the ‘User status’ section. The status should change from ‘Basic’ to ‘Premium’.

GPX & Pocket Queries (4)

No Images included

In gpx files there are no informations about images. So if you loaded a cache through a PQ, there are no images of the cache or from logs.

Corrected Coordinates & GPX

If you load a cache with corrected coordiantes from a pocket query, you don´t see that they are corrected.

This is because there is no information in the gpx file, that these coordinates are corrected ones. In gpx files the original coordinates will only be overwritten with the corrected coordinates.

In gpx files from GSAK and iCaching there is a information about the original coordinates included. So Looking4Cache recognizes that the coordinates are corrected.

You can refresh the whole list (using the ‘All Data’ option) to see which geocaches have corrected coordinates.

FP Count displays a question mark

This cache was imported from a gpx file. In Pocket Queries the FP count is not included. So you see a question mark.

Import Munzee

There are websites like munzeeclub.de and dfx.at where you can create gpx files containing Munzee.

This files you can import in L4C if you checked ‘Groundspeak Extensions’ or ‘GS Extensions’ while creating the files. In L4C this Munzees will be handled as Geocaches, but they are visible on the map.

Map (3)

Compass did not work

If the compass did not turn, please check your iOS Settings. Go to “Settings > Privacy > Location Services > System Services (at the end of the list)” and check if “Compass Calibration” is active.

Remove icons from the map

In Looking4Cache, actions from the action list can be placed on the map by using ‘Edit User Interface’ at the bottom. To remove such an action, go back to the edit mode and tap the icon you want to delete.

Colored Satellite Icons

Looking4Cache have a function to save power by reducing the GPS accuracy based on the distance to your current target. With the default settings your position will be less accurate if you are more than 100 meters away from your target. With the satellite button on top of the map you can override this automatism.

Yellow satellite: Low accuracy, because no target is set or more than 100 meters away.
Green satellite: High accuracy, because you are closer than 100 meters.
Yellow satellite with a lock icon: Low accuracy, because you overwrote the automatism.
Green satellite with a lock icon: High accuracy, because you overwrote the automatism.
Stoked through: GPS turned off.

The settings (distance to the target and accuracy) can be changed in the configuration.

Tips (4)

Enter waypoint coordinates

Open the screen ‘waypoints’ in a cache and tap on the pin symbol (with the + sign) on the top right corner.

Shortcut to set the target

You can tap on the cache type icon in the cache details to set this cache as your target. This is also possible in the waypoint list.

Link examples

Here are some examples what you can do with links:

Send a mail:

Send a mail (with more details):

Open a geocache in GCBuddy:

Send the geocaches code with WhatsApp:

Send the geocaches code with Telegram:

Send the geocaches code with Threema:

When you created cool links and what to share them here, just mail me.

Move from Lite to Pro Version

At the moment the data from the lite version will not be transfered to the pro version if you update. Until I create a function for this you can use this workaround:

After installing the pro version you can copy the “database.sqlite” with iTunes on your computer (Device -> Apps -> Scroll to the bottom) from the free version to the pro version.

So you start with all cache lists and caches in the pro version. After copying the database you have to authorize your account with geocaching.com in the configuration again. Also the configuration settings are lost.

Update (1)

App does not start after the update

If the App crashes directly after displaying the logo there is surely a problem with the database. To solve this unfortunately the database has to be deleted and recreated. To do this there are two ways: A complete new installation or only deleting the database.

New installation:
Delete the App directly on iOS (with the long tap on the icon and then tapping the cross beside the icon). After this install the App from the AppStore. By doing this all data are lost, inclusive the offline Maps.

Delete only the database:
You can delete the database with iTunes. By doing this all Caches, Cache Lists and local logs are lost. But the configuration, the downloaded offline maps and the stored images will be available later. To do this make the following steps: Connect your device to iTunes and select it > Select the section “Apps” on the top and scroll down to the area where you can transfer files > Select “L4C Pro” or “L4C Lite” > Delete the three files starting this “database” using the Delete-Key.

Corrected Coordinates (3)

Corrected Coordinates & GPX

If you load a cache with corrected coordiantes from a pocket query, you don´t see that they are corrected.

This is because there is no information in the gpx file, that these coordinates are corrected ones. In gpx files the original coordinates will only be overwritten with the corrected coordinates.

In gpx files from GSAK and iCaching there is a information about the original coordinates included. So Looking4Cache recognizes that the coordinates are corrected.

You can refresh the whole list (using the ‘All Data’ option) to see which geocaches have corrected coordinates.

Icon with orange checkmark

This icon indicates that the corrected coordinates was loaded from a GPX file created by GSAK or iCaching. Maybe the corrected coordinates are not available on geocaching.com.

When you refresh this geocache Looking4Cache will keep the imported corrected coordinates.

You can upload them to geocaching.com with the Cache Solver. Just set the checkmark by ‘Upload’.

Corrected Coordinates won´t be displayed

There can be two causes if corrected coordinates, that you already entered on geocaching.com or in Looking4Cache, won´t be displayed if you load the geocache again. If you loaded the geocaches from a GPX file please see the other FAQ entry. If you loaded them through the API search, please use the option ‘All data’. Only the full geocache details contains the corrected coordinates.